Sophie Davant mom: her daughter Valentine, 26, is her twin sister!

Who is the mother, who is the daughter? This is the little game that Sophie Davant offers to her subscribers, on Instagram, this weekend. On social networks, the star presenter of the show Deal Concluded actually shared a photograph, this Thursday, May 5, 2022, in which she poses with her granddaughter Valentine, 26 years old. Small mischief: the two accomplices wear exactly the same outfit, sowing trouble on their respective identities. It’s your turn…

Sophie Davant was in a relationship with journalist and host Pierre Sled, ready to enter politics, for many years. Separated in 2012, the couple had two children: Nicolas, July 24, 1993 and his little sister Valentine, November 27, 1995. The daughter of the presenter, very close to her mother, would she give her a hand to prepare an episode of the show Deal Concluded ? After all, the presence of old bricks and empty frames in the image shared online leaves room for doubt.

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