Sophie Davant did not give up cosmetic surgery after this failed procedure which had “deformed” her…

Like Claire Chazal, who explained a few days ago to Gala, that she wasn’t”against small arrangements” to look fresher, and that she could do cosmetic surgery, Sophie Davant is also a TV star and a woman of her time, who takes care of herself!

She cares, like everyone else

At 58, she admits without complexes that she maintains her image by doing “little care”, “little injections of hyaluronic acid or Botox® from time to time”, And this, “like everyone” (as she stated in 2019 on RTL), develops the chapter in the last issue, the 9th, of his magazine, S, Sophie Davant’s magazine, to be released on March 24! She offers her fans to discover “an article made to let go and say bye bye to complexes“, as she explains on Instagram.

And to add:As we get older, we know ourselves better, we accept each other more easily, we have learned to show off and circumvent our complexes, or remedy them when they are of an intellectual or professional nature. As for the physical complexes that ruin your life, cosmetic surgery is sometimes an excellent remedy! But the best thing is still to celebrate those who assume themselves as they are and to be inspired by their example and their experience!

And yet, Sophie Davant has not only had happy experiences in the field… A few years ago, she had told, always on RTL how an operation had left her disfigured. She remembered the context:One day, I accompany a friend to a rather shady clinic[…] He introduces me to his great friend (cosmetic surgeon, editor’s note). Just before leaving, the guy says to me: ‘You don’t want a little prick around the lips?. I hadn’t planned to do anything, but I don’t know why, I didn’t say anything.”

A “huge mouth, completely deformed”

As a result, she said: “It was a disaster.” With herhuge mouth, completely deformed”, she continues:I’m back home. Peter, my husbandand my children screamed“.


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