Sophie Davant and Caroline Margeridon close to Affaire concluded fans, despite criticism

Deal done created the event a few days ago, on September 11 precisely, in the heart of Lyon. That day, Sophie Davant was present, with her team and some buyers, namely Caroline Margeridon, Stephane Vanhandenhoven, Diane Chatelet and Johan Ledoux. All made the trip to film a new prime Duel of flea markets right in the middle of the Puces du Canal de Villeurbanne. This is a competition held between two buyers, who roam the markets and try to find two objects each, which they will then have to resell to other merchants. This special will air on Tuesday, October 11 in prime time.

In any case, the passage of the show in Lyon did not go unnoticed and many onlookers went to meet second-hand dealers from France 2 and Sophie Davant. As revealed by the photos in our slideshow, Caroline Margeridon and the host particularly let themselves be approached and granted a few autographs and selfies to their admirers who came to greet them.

But everyone apparently does not have a good memory of this day of filming. Indeed, once the show was completed, Sophie Davant was delighted on Instagram and one of her subscribers wanted to send her an unpleasant message. “Hello Sophie, I saw you yesterday at the Puces du Canal in Villeurbanne, I won’t say anything more about you… On the other hand, Caroline, Diane and Stéphane are very friendly. I had already shared a moment with Caroline Margeridon at the Biron Market in Saint-Ouen, (my husband is an antique dealer). I confirm, she is an adorable, affordable and so sparkling woman!!!“. The ex-wife of Pierre Sled now in a relationship with William Leymergie then felt forced to justify herself. “We were filming a show! I was focused on my work, sorry, but it happens !“, she replied.

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