Sophie Davant absolute fan of Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine!

Saturday January 28, Sophie Davant was the guest of Jade and Eric Dussart in We redo the TV with Caroline Margeridon on RTL. During this visit, the one who recently presented the Telethon in the company of Nagui and Kev Adams, revealed the name of the show that she would dream of presenting. It is It’s up to you on France 5 !

“It reminds me of what I did on It’s on the program with more news and a political guest. So I think that me, with my training as a journalist, I would have liked to talk about culture, politics, news, etc. What is good about C à vous is that they have time to interview the guests”, justified the ex-wife of Pierre Sled. The presenter ofDeal Concluded on France 2 took the opportunity to slip a ton of praise to the conductor of this talk show. Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine is wonderful. I think that in the generation that follows me, it’s a bit like her, my heiress. She is both spontaneous, she makes blunders, blunders and at the same time, She does her job well.”.

Words that will certainly please the main interested party!

Program project with his great friend Caroline Margeridon

The creator of S Magazine came back during the show on her relationship with Caroline Margeridon. If everything had started badly, today the two women are closer than ever. “She always has something to say, all day long, which fascinates me, she doesn’t stop”confided the host in front of her hosts before sharing one of her projects. “I would like us to travel around France together, we would do a program called the two Bs, the two blondes”. An idea that greatly amused the antique dealer!

See also: “I feel like I’ve made love”: Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine lets go live against Matthieu Chedid


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