Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT, supports teachers who assert their right of withdrawal

Every Friday, in the show #OnVousRépond, Matthieu Belliard and Gilles Bornstein receive a political personality to comment on the news of the week and give a voice to spectators who can directly ask their questions to the guest. Friday October 6, the general secretary of the CGT, Sophie Binet, was received on the franceinfo set.

Article written by

franceinfo – Matthew Piccarreta

France Televisions


Reading time :
1 minute

Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT, on the set of the show #OnVousRépond (franceinfo)

The general secretary of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), Sophie Binet, was invited to answer viewers’ questions on the set of the interactive show “#OnVousRépond”, presented by Matthieu Belliard and Gilles Bornstein, Friday October 6.

Asked about the subject of the proliferation of bedbugs, which is taking a political turn, Sophie Binet was keen to support the teachers at the Elisa-Lemonnier high school in Paris, who asserted their right of withdrawal after the discovery of pests in their establishment.

“Chikirou affair”: “Justice must do its job”

Asked about the revelations of magazine “Complement d’investigation” on Sophia Chikirou, Sophie Binet was moved by “lack of exemplarity”. Sophia Chikirou, close collaborator of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and LFI deputy of Paris, is singled out for its brutal management and suspicions of embezzlement during the 2017 presidential campaign. According to the general secretary of the CGT, “the question of exemplarity in politics is important, just as it is in trade unionism”. For Sophie Binet, political parties must “take responsibility”, before conclude that he is coming back “for justice to do its job”.

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