Video length: 27 mins.
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Sunday April 30, Francis Letellier receives Sophie Binet, new general secretary of the CGT, in Sunday in politics.
With May 1, Labor Day, the unions, still mobilized against the pension reform, hope for a tour de force with many people in the streets. The government is waiting for the big time to pass, then tackle other projects, such as work, income. Saturday evening, April 20, all eyes were on the Stade de France, where Sophie Binet, new general secretary of the CGT, had called on the supporters to release the whistles and red cards, as the culmination of the protest. retirements. And none of that happened. “I am very shocked by the serious security drift that we witnessed last night. (…) Emmanuel Macron was forced to hide from one end of the match to the other so as not to accentuate the whistles”relates Sophie Binet, guest of Sunday in politics, Sunday, April 30. “Successful operation”, she admits, “but sadly successful because we see a serious attack on public freedoms.”
To the social crisis was added a political crisis
The demands of May Day will not be anti-Emmanuel Macron, they “are precise, on social demands”. But, adds the secretary general of the CGT, in fact the president will be in the minds of the demonstrators, “because his relentlessness and his obstinacy added to the social crisis a political crisis. It is his responsibility unfortunately, and we see that the pension reform, it is there only by the will of a single man”adds Sophie Binet.
The government wants to turn the page on pensions. This is not the case of Sophie Binet, who maintains that there is the risk of an even deeper mistrust in the country. “The government will no longer be able to reform, and we note with great satisfaction that on June 8, the deputies tabled a bill to repeal the pension reform”underlines the general secretary of the CGT.