soon teleconsultation booths in stations?


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

C.Tixier, T.Maillet, V.Bouffartigue, J.Blondel, M.Bitton – France 2

France Televisions

After supermarkets and pharmacies, teleconsultation booths could land in small stations, where there are few or no doctors. How would that work? Elements of response in Saint-Mard, in Seine-et-Marne.

The SNCF wants to install, in 1,735 cities, teleconsultation cabins in station halls, where access to care is difficult. For example, in Seine-et-Marne, there is less than one general practitioner per 1,000 inhabitants. But Iare the inhabitants Saint-Mard (Seine-et-Marne), whose station is eligible, are shared. “I find it better to go directly to the doctor”, notes a local resident. “VSe is not made to be in a station”, continues another.

30% of French people live in a medical desert

A few kilometers from the station, a pharmacist already offers a teleconsultation cabin. According to her, it is a back-up solution that must be checked by a professional. “This is not like a photo booth. We have to take this seriously,” she specifies. Teleconsultation booths are developing. There are even some in supermarkets. Pread 30% of French people live in a medical desert.

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