“Soon he will be trilingual”, Nabilla responds to criticism of her eldest son

An accomplished businesswoman, fulfilled wife and fulfilled mother, Nabilla is making the most of her dream life. Since her first steps in the world of show business, the pretty brunette has performed events with great pride and undeniable professionalism. Last May, she was one of the distinguished guests at the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival. A unique moment during which she granted a plethora of interviews.

Interviewed by Lou Media, the influencer spoke at length about balancing her work, her life as a woman and her life as a mother. “I am determined. Me, my son, he has a schedule and his whole life is structured. So sometimes we give a little ballast. He has his ju-jitsu lessons, he has his piano, French lessons, lessons English, family activities… Everything is laid out on a board. My mom is there to help me. My grandmother who is her great-grandmother too. I’m here. So there you go, we’re a team” , she had explained.

And to continue: “My husband is very nice, I’m the bad cop. There’s always a good cop, a bad cop, I’m the bad cop. When I arrive, everyone stands to attention. “Oh no , you are going to do this, I asked you that.” Before leaving the table we ask: “can I leave the table, mom?”. That’s politeness.”

See also: Nabilla explains why she refuses to support Caroline Receveur in her fight against cancer

A strict education

If Nabilla does everything possible to provide a good education to her children, the young mother continues to face criticism. Indeed, his haters criticize his son Milann in particular for not “not knowing how to speak”. Ugly remarks to which Thomas Vergara’s wife did not hesitate to respond.

“I see people on TikTok commenting: ‘Ah, but he doesn’t speak very well for his age.’ Well yeah, that’s normal, he’s bilingual. Soon, he’ll be trilingual. For now, he’s bilingual already. In addition, he is learning Arabic. English, he speaks it better than you who criticize. I’m sure that the people who criticize don’t even know how to say “Hello, how are you? Nice to meet you.” And I sometimes see that when he speaks in French, he has his little accent, like his mother tongue, it’s English. His French is not that perfect, but it annoys me… ” Nabilla takes out her claws!


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