Soon greener roads in the Indre department?

This summer, the D925, the road between Mezières-en-Brenne and Châteauroux, has been completely redone. Several kilometers of sections were stripped and then recast. The brand new asphalt should last about fifteen years and ensure better vehicle grip. “VSThese are maintenance work. In turn, we redo some of the 5,000 km of roads in the department“says Christophe Courtemanche, director in charge of roads for the Indre Departmental Council. In total, the department provides an envelope of 18 to 20 million euros per year.

Cold mix and recycled material

But the surge in raw materials and the oil crisis are forcing a search for new solutions.Asphalt, this material that covers the road, is made from tar, therefore petroleum. To save it, we reuse, for example, part of the old layer when we recreate a new mix“. Today, asphalt mixes are thus made up of 20% recycled materials and could reach 50% in the years to come.

Another avenue of development, the use of cold mix. “Before, we always used hot mix asphalt, which was produced at 180° and processed at around 130°. Today, we are on warm or cold asphalt. These are savings!But this cold mix cannot be deployed on heavily trafficked roads.

For ecological and economic reasons, the services of the department also mow the sides laterand this has no consequences on accidentology according to the statistics we have“. And they are working on new techniques to trim hedges without too much damage. So that the roads of the department are a little greener each year…

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