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Germany is releasing massive new aid against soaring prices, with a plan of 65 billion euros. Olaf Scholz even plans to use windfall profits from energy companies. Such taxation is debated in France. The Socialist Party would like there to be a shared initiative referendum on the subject.
This summer, all superprofit taxation was narrowly rejected. In recent days, the question of whether to tax companies that make record profits, such as TotalÉnergies or Engie, has come back into the public debate in France. This promises to animate the debates on the 2023 budget. On the left, the Socialist Party is proposing a shared initiative referendum on the subject. For a referendum to take place, 185 deputies and senators must support the process, as well as 4.7 million voters.
For its part, Bercy believes that companies are making enough sacrifices to lower prices. However, many European countries have implemented superprofit taxation, such as Italy, Greece, the United Kingdom, Spain and Romania. Even Germany will impose a contribution. The Prime Minister did not say she refused such a measure. La Nupes has launched a petition on the subject, which has already collected nearly 80,000 signatures.