soon a medical test in force for motorists?


Video length: 1 min

Driving license: soon a medical test in force for motorists?

The question of a lifetime driving license is being debated in the European Parliament. Green MP Karima Delli proposes establishing a medical examination every fifteen years to avoid accidents. – (Franceinfo)

The question of a lifetime driving license is being debated in the European Parliament. Green MP Karima Delli proposes establishing a medical examination every fifteen years to avoid accidents.

The lifetime driving license may soon be history. Its deletion or maintenance will be debated on Wednesday February 28 at the European Parliament. Brussels plans to introduce a compulsory medical examination every fifteen years upon obtaining the permit. This check will then be done every five years from the age of 70. The drivers’ vision, hearing and reflexes would then be monitored.

A measure that divides

Some welcome this potential measure. “This is a good thing”, insists a motorist. According to a driving school manager based in Dijon (Côte-d’Or), it should be upgraded every ten years. “Mobility has evolved enormously with two-wheelers and scooters. A booster shot couldn’t hurt everyone. drivers”, confides Jean Benoit, driving school manager. The end of the lifetime license does not only make people happy in France. The 40 million motorists association denounces an intolerable attack on the right to drive.

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