soon a law to denounce thieves?


Video length: 2 min

Commerce: soon a law to denounce thieves?

Commerce: soon a law to denounce thieves?


Some traders display the portrait of their thief photographed by video surveillance, even if this practice is now illegal. A MoDem deputy has just tabled a bill aimed at authorizing this type of display.

Tired of repeated thefts, Bastien Landos, optician in Amiens (Somme), chose to make video surveillance images public. “We decided to put it on social networks for the simple reason that there are several traders in the street who have been visited, particularly by these people”, he explains. He estimates the annual damage from thefts at more than 6,000 euros. Posting the faces of thieves on social networks is punishable by one year in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros.

Shoplifting on the rise

However, he hopes to make things happen. In the Paris region, a pharmacist posted the photo of an individual she accuses of theft right in the middle of her shelves. In France, a MoDem deputy has tabled a bill aimed at authorizing this type of display. The practice is already legal in the United States. According to the Ministry of the Interior, shoplifting increased by 14% in France in 2022.

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