Sonia Rolland and Jalil Lespert separated: their photos of their daughter Kahina (12 years old) tenderly echo

The one we can see in the skin of Mélissa Sainte-Rose, the character she plays successfully in the series Criminal Tropicshowever, has to deal with the work that sometimes takes her away from where her daughters live – she is also the mother of Tess (born on

Currently, Sonia Rolland is very busy filming the fiction A destiny which she has been preparing for six years. With two parents in front and behind the camera, was the comedy virus transmitted? “Kahina, my youngest, talks about it a lot. She would like to be an actress, and maybe a director. (…) They are both passionate, so I have no doubt that one day one of them will take a closer interest in it.“, had told Sonia Rolland to the magazine specializing in television.

At the gates of adolescence, the director’s daughter‘Yves Saint Laurent and the former beauty queen passionate about documentaries – in a relationship with a companion whose identity she prefers to keep secret – has plenty of time to choose the area in which she will flourish best.

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