Dermot Kennedy composes catchy songs that will appeal to many. He writes pretty texts, with verses filled with pretty metaphors. Nothing more. After a promising first record in 2019 (Without Fear), the Irish singer-songwriter does just as well with probebut does not exceed expectations.
Dermot Kennedy also has a unique voice. This is its greatest asset. Which even makes up for the fact that he is not the most impressive of authors, that his melodies lack an originality that would set them apart from Thinking Out Loud (by Ed Sheeran) of this world. But even this incredible voice is sometimes drowned out by the production which is a little too heavy and polished, less raw than what he had tried with his first attempt. The themes don’t diverge much. Kennedy talks about the love that delights those who hurt, the pitfalls of life, the desire to do well (the artist is an avowed perfectionist).
A room like Dreamer, ideal to be sung in chorus during his tour (which will also take him to Montreal), offers one of the superb moments of the disc where Kennedy’s vocal skills are highlighted as they should be. These pieces, like Any Love, Better Days Where Blossom (magnificent), mostly acoustic, are the best in this new record from the Irishman.
Innocence and Sadness (recorded in one take), despite its not very evocative title, is a nice exception when it comes to the lyrics. His poetry is enchanting, tinged with a melancholy that allows itself to have hope. “ Return me safely, turn me homeward at the right time / Every minute, boy / Steady rhythm joy “, sings Dermot Kennedy on a tune on the piano.
divide, just after, comes to prove that this record is somewhat uneven. The lyrics are a bit too sweet, the melody a bit too easy. The singer’s voice once again saves the day.
probe is not perfect. Above all, it unfortunately does not lead Dermot Kennedy much further than he was. Listening is still enjoyable. We would have just hoped that it would be even more so.

Dermot Kennedy
Riggins/Island Records