“Sometimes I don’t play as well as I would like”

After a season 3 followed by five million viewers on average, the fantastic lawyer Gabrielle Munchovski, nicknamed Munch, is back. To the delight of its interpreter Isabelle Nanty: “She’s not afraid of anything. I like characters like that because they do things that I would never do in life.”

“She doesn’t look like me at all, I’m much more reverent.”

Isabelle Nanty

on franceinfo

This new season starts without Munch’s sidekick, Hubert Bellanger, played by Lucien Jean-Baptiste, who has chosen to leave the series to carry out personal projects. But Isabelle Nanty gets a new partner, in the person of Hippolyte Girardot. He is Mathieu Scheffer, a lawyer who is also Munch’s ex: “He left on our wedding day! I didn’t really know Hippolyte, we had played together on TV thirty years ago but I followed his path and I admire his capacity for indignation, the density of his playing. He is an artist. , he is also very fanciful, he has words, he is inspired. It was very funny to create this duet with him“, emphasizes Isabelle Nanty.

If this change of casting prevents Isabelle Nanty from feeling weariness vis-à-vis the series, she is also back for the pleasure of finding the original team. “They are all very talented. It motivates us to be together, we have a lot of fun. I couldn’t consider working with people that I don’t have fun with.”

Recognized for her talents as an actress, Isabelle Nanty also wears a director’s cap, which she cannot imagine using for Munch : “I don’t really have time, it’s too much work. When we shoot, we are still there from 5 am to 9 pm. If in addition we had to direct, it would be to the detriment of my playing. Sometimes , I don’t play as well as I would like so I prefer to focus on that “, concludes Isabelle Nanty.

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