“Sometimes he behaved badly”, Nicolas Bedos accused of sexual assault, his partner clarifies

Silent since the outbreak of the affair that bears his name, then the media frenzy surrounding the latter, Nicolas Bedos was able to count on the unconditional support of his partner this Saturday, January 20. Guest of Léa Salamé on the set of her show What an era, Charlotte Desmonts wanted to defend Nicolas Bedos, whose life and daily life she has shared since 2021. In December 2023, on the sidelines of the accusations of sexual assault brought by two women, and for which he will answer in court in September. 2024, Nicolas Bedos became the father of a little Joséphine. The ex-companion of Doria Tillier, Héléna Noguerra and Elsa Zylberstein can count on his partner, who is undoubtedly his best lawyer.

“If he regrets one thing, it’s continuing to go out like a teenager that he no longer is. This whole affair has accelerated this awareness, it’s a problem that he is treating assured Pauline Desmonts, before continuing: “Obviously, people will say that I am judge and jury, but I know him by heart (…) He works with a lot of women, with the same people for ten years. Everyone knows very well how to separate things when it comes to the concerned (…) Yes, he can be obnoxious, he can be excessive, provocative, whatever you want, but he is not a sexual abuser. For Pauline Desmonts, the two accusations against her companion must be weighed.

“I know when alcohol can put him in a state”

For Pauline Desmonts, the affair which concerns her companion is not comparable to all those targeting other figures of French cinema, such as Gérard Depardieu: “What is terrible is that as far as Nicolas is concerned, it has nothing to do with it. The nature and context of the alleged facts are very different. We are talking about a problem of excess, of partying, of alcohol, in a truly festive setting wanted to qualify the young woman, who remains convinced that the slippage experienced by Nicolas Bedos is to “contextualize” : “I know him, I’ve seen him. I know what state he can get into with alcohol. It’s something that needs to be contextualized at the end of the evening” she assured.

As a reminder, Nicolas Bedos is the subject of two cases, for which he will have to appear before the high court next September. The first concerns acts of sexual assault, which the filmmaker allegedly committed on the night of May 11 to 12. His accuser claims to have received from him “a kiss on the neck in a nightclub” eYou filed a complaint. Another complaint, for acts of sexual harassment dating back to 2018, was also filed. Three other women also filed a complaint for rapebut this case will not be judged, because the judicial investigation is still open.

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