“Something like a kind of highway”

I don’t know why, but I felt challenged when I heard this absolutely imbecile sentence concerning the third link that the Conservative Party of Quebec would set up in Lévis to cross on Île d’Orléans, and which would finally become a species highway to get to the other bridge.

I have lived on Île d’Orléans for almost 50 years, I have produced several books and exhibitions there and I am very involved as a volunteer in various Orleans associations.

Île d’Orléans, need I remind you, is an emblematic site of Quebec, one of the founding places of French America, the base of 300 original families who have spread all over America to give millions and million descendants.

The island is also a territory protected by the Cultural Heritage Act (heritage site), but it is also and above all the place of life of more than 6000 people who live there in harmony with an architectural and landscaped landscape. outstanding.

When Félix Leclerc sang around the island, he precisely feared, almost 30 years earlier, the arrival of this kind of highway that the PCQ politicians promise us.

“The Île d’Orléans a dump

A cemetery

Garbage parks, waste box

US car parks

We want to put her in a miniskirt

And speak English

Do that to her, Île d’Orléans

Our lily flower »

How can we be so disconnected from the heritage reality of Quebec?

How can we be so disconnected from the history of Quebec?

What’s the point of talking about pride, nationalism, if we start destroying these emblematic places that have forged our history.

Fortunately, I do not believe that the municipal authorities will change their minds after having already opposed this kind of project previously.

One scar is enough!!! We already have one, that of the Hydro towers which were precisely the driving force behind the classification of the island in 1970, the population having clearly seen the irreversible damage that this would cause.

I suggest, among other things, to Mr. Duhaime and others to read the book by Marie-Hélène Voyer The habit of ruins. The sacredness of oblivion and ugliness in Quebec to understand the need to protect our architectural and landscape heritage.

Where to subscribe to Jean-François Nadeau’s column from To have to.

Finally, I also advise him, to get rid of his dark thoughts, these few words from Félix.

“To bear the difficult

And the useless

There’s a tour of the island

Forty-two thousand

quiet things”

To see in video

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