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Like every summer, tourist sites are looking for seasonal workers. The “Europa Park” amusement park in Germany offers advantageous contracts, which attract many French people.
Like every year, with the approach of summer, tourist sites are struggling to recruit seasonal workers. This is true for France, it is also true for Germany. The “Europa Park” amusement park, located on the Franco-German border, but on the German side, has found a solution to retain its staff, and even attract French workers. Of the 4,500 employees of the amusement park, a quarter are Alsatians.
But then, what has the amusement park put in place to attract these workers? A rather advantageous contract is offered to seasonal workers. It allows students to work 70 days a year with very little overhead. “The gross and the net are very close”, explains Christina Jablonski, HR referent France “Europa Park”. Thus, for a full-time job at 42 hours, the salary approaches 2,000 euros net per month.