“Some might be surprised at my silence”, Laurent Kérusoré makes a chilling statement after the announcement of the suicide of Michel Cordes from “Plus belle la vie”!

The public is in mourning. And the world of television, in shock! The interpreter of Roland Marci, the famous boss for 18 seasons of the bar Le Mistral where the intrigues of the series were tied and unraveled More beautiful life, was found dead at his home in Grabels, near Montpellier, in the Hérault, this Friday, May 5, 2023. An investigation is underway to elucidate the circumstances of this tragedy, but everything suggests that it would be of suicide by gunshot. Three letters having been discovered at his side, as announced The Parisian this Saturday, May 6. Since then, his stage partners, devastated with grief, have taken to the networks to express their great pain at having lost someone so dear to their hearts. In shock, most of them expressed their unfathomable sadness but also incomprehension… Lola Marois drew the first one, confiding in Entertainment TV as soon as the tragedy was announced: “With the PBLV team we are in shock, I loved it. He was a delightful man who had real values… I am stunned. I am completely shocked. He was straight and not at all into the bling-bling. He was such a nice man…”. For her part, Dounia Coesens, who started alongside her at the age of 15, remembered her benevolence and kindness: “You were a listening ear, like the grandfather I never had. You gave us so much happiness and love. Thanks Papy. I miss you. Your down jacket“, confided the actress on Instagram.

“I never imagined you would leave so quickly!”

“NO!!! I don’t want this horrible news. I don’t want to believe you’ve already left. I don’t want to cry for you. I do not want !” also reacted from his Instagram account captain Patrick Nebout, alias Jérôme Bertin. Adding, filled with grief:“I have the impression that tonight, all those who have known, done, watched, loved Plus belle la vie are orphans. Michel, our national Roland, is like a dad for all of us” ralso calling “the mischievous gaze of the child he had kept inside him and at the same time this jovial wisdom, his smile and this voice”which made the popularity of Michel Cordes. For his part, Pierre Martot, alias Léo Castelli, shouts his dismay on Instagram:“I never imagined that you would leave so quickly! I loved being with you Michel” and explain thatthrough the character of Roland, millions of people have recognized in you a father, a grandfather, a friend, a brother! You were the living embodiment of something very deep in this country – that’s why people loved you so much.”All his playmates today mourn the one who was an integral part of their big family. And if some could not refrain from paying him long tributes, others preferred to think of him soberly… This is the case of Alexandre Fabre, who played Charles Frémont who posted a single photo of Michel Cordes, no comment. But great sorrows are silent, they say. Witness Laëtitia Millot who simply published a photo of a black background, without any caption on Instagram, this Saturday, May 6. A choice of sobriety also adopted by Laurent Kérusoré who had played his son, Thomas Marci. However, this Sunday, May 7, the actor comes out of silence in order to express his gratitude following the many messages of support he has received and explain his withdrawal… “Thank you for your many messages of support. Some might be surprised at my silence. It is unfortunately only the reflection of my sorrow and my pain. I’m just waiting to say goodbye to him. Thank you” he writes in the story of his Instagram account. A message that he signs with a broken heart emoji. With the disappearance of Michel Cordes, Laurent Kérusoré has lost more than a fictional father, but a real dad at heart.


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