some African countries have introduced a “vaccination” or “health” pass

“Vaccination passport” Where “health pass”, it depends, but in several African countries, you must be vaccinated against Covid-19 or present a negative test to access administrations, certain places or events. Detailed review in Togo, Morocco and Rwanda.

On November 12, the Togolese authorities recalled not only that “access to administrative premises and buildings” was conditioned to “the presentation of proof of vaccination or a valid PCR test”, but also extended the measure to the cultural and tourist sector “in order to protect cultural players and the public from any contamination after the end of the year celebrations”. The pass is now required in hotels, bars and restaurants that organize “festive activities”. Likewise, “professionals in artistic residencies” and “professionals and artists on stage and in live shows” are subject to this health pass. Like their audience.

According to Dr Apetsianyi Yawa, coordinator of the Technical Group for the deployment of Covid-19 vaccines in Togo, who spoke on November 25 during the weekly conference of the Africa office of the World Health Organization (WHO), the implementation of the vaccine pass was one of the means that enabled his country to achieve a feat. Namely, vaccinate more than 90% of its nursing staff. Togo is cited as an example in Africa where “only one in four healthcare professionals is fully vaccinated against Covid-19 “, that is “27% of health professionals”.

According to the WHO study of 25 countries, “1.3 million health workers have been fully immunized since March 2021 (and) only six countries achieved more than 90% immunization coverage among health workers, while nine countries fully immunized less than 40% of their health workers “. “The limited availability of immunization services, especially in rural areas, coupled with a reluctance to get immunized” is at the origin of this low vaccination coverage.

Overcoming the reluctance in the general population is the reason why Morocco has introduced a vaccination pass. Champion of the vaccination against Covid-19 on the continent, the Shereefian Kingdom was nevertheless the first country to make this document compulsory since October 21, 2021. The implementation of the pass, which was greeted by demonstrations, had been justified by the fact that the majority of the population had received at least one dose of vaccination at the time of its initiation. “In Morocco, we can now talk about a vaccination pass because we have reached 78% of people vaccinated with the first dose and 70% vaccinated with both doses”, then confided Dr Saïd Afif, member of the Scientific Committee on anti-Covid vaccination, to the Moroccan media Challenge, a few days before the entry into force of the vaccination pass.

Since mid-November, the “vaccine pass” has been renamed “health pass” following the recommendations of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH). Which had challenged the government (link in English) after having received complaints from citizens now deprived of access to means of transport, administrations and shops. The health pass, unlike the vaccine pass, allows people who have a negative test, who are cured of Covid-19 or who are exempt from vaccination to be in good standing. More than 22 million Moroccans as of November 25 have received two doses of the vaccine and the campaign for a third dose has been launched.

In Rwanda, a health pass is also in force but it concerns specific events and places in a country still subject to a curfew from midnight to 4 a.m., where businesses must be closed at 11 p.m. and where gauges are applied. , among others, in administrations, transport, places of worship or ceremonies, including family.

According to the new provisions entered into force on November 15 and valid until December 14, participants in meetings or conferences must be in possession of a negative test. In addition, people who take part in cultural or recreational events must be screened or vaccinated. Just like the amateurs of saunas and other massages. Last September, Rwanda reached the goal set by the WHO to vaccinate at least 10% of its population.

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