(Quebec) Minister Lionel Carmant’s gentle method of reaching the unvaccinated yields few results. Launched a month ago, the offensive to convince the hesitant to roll up their sleeves for the first time has reached some 22,000 people, or 4% of the pool of 540,000 unvaccinated Quebecers.
Posted at 11:17 a.m.
While the vaccination campaign for the third dose is idling in Quebec, the offensive to reach the unvaccinated clientele is obtaining mixed results. Since January 24, some 22,000 non-vaccinated people (this includes the first doses in the clinic) have agreed to receive a first dose of vaccine, the Minister for Health and Social Services, Lionel Carmant, confirmed on Wednesday.
The latter was given the mandate to mobilize a field campaign to convince reluctant and hesitant people to get vaccinated. Quebec then wanted to reach out to the unvaccinated a few days after announcing the expansion of the vaccine passport in big-box stores. At the time of the start of this offensive, the Legault government always had its sights set on imposing the health contribution.

Lionel Carmant
“We did not set ourselves a target, we said that each vaccine would be a victory. We are at the top of 22,000 vaccines given, we have around sixty brigades who call and answer questions, more than 200 sites. […] Every day, our numbers are increasing, ”said Minister Carmant before question period on Wednesday. On January 24, it was estimated that 540,000 Quebecers were unvaccinated.
Mr. Carmant is not discouraged by the lack of results of his campaign when only 4% of the targeted pool has agreed to roll up their sleeves after one month. “It’s still encouraging,” says the minister.
There are people who are reluctant, who refuse the vaccine. Sometimes it’s even difficult for our professionals who are received more or less courteously, but still the effect is there and we want to keep moving forward.
Lionel Carmant, Minister Delegate for Health and Social Services
There is no question for the moment of reinforcing the offensive which must end on March 31st. Mr. Carmant maintains that it is also possible that the campaign will experience a “revival” in the coming weeks. “There were those who had COVID during the holiday season, maybe after the 8 to 12 weeks [ils voudront être vaccinés]. We will be there for them, in their community,” he added.
Overall, the pace of the campaign continues to slow. During the day on Monday, barely 14,450 additional doses were administered, to which are added 579 vaccines given before February 21 which had not yet been counted. Quebec is far from the rate of 105,000 doses reached in mid-January. Barely 260 adults a day continue to come for their first dose.
According to the INSPQ, many Quebecers shun the third dose. In fact, 42% of doubly vaccinated Quebecers who have not yet received their booster dose do not intend to roll up their sleeves a third time. These refusal and hesitation rates contrast markedly with the reception given to the first and second dose vaccination campaigns.