solutions to keep the Asian hornet away


Video length: 2 min

Biodiversity: solutions to keep away the Asian hornet

Biodiversity: solutions to keep away the Asian hornet

(France 2)

Asian hornets, an aggressive species, are increasingly numerous in France. Several municipalities distribute traps to install in your garden. Report in Gironde.

With the arrival of good weather, the first hornets come out of their hiding places. The Queens “will start to build their nest. (…) You should know that one destroyed nest means 12 kilos of insects saved for the year 2024”, explains Eric Nadeau, treasurer of the Gironde bee health defense group. Arriving in France 20 years ago, the Asian hornet invaded the country and caused havoc among pollinating insects and bees, threatening biodiversity.

Town halls take action

All means are therefore good to overcome it: chemical treatments, use of drones, or design of traps by individuals. A boilermaker presented his solution to the town hall of Montusson (Gironde): a pole that cuts out hornets. In this village, fighting against the species is everyone’s business. “If today we do not realize that we must destroy this pest, we will find ourselves invaded by Asian hornets, and our bees will disappear”, confides the mayor (PS), Frédéric Dupic. The city therefore offers hornet traps to residents. Syrup and beer can trap up to 200 queens before they build their nest.

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