solutions exist against noise pollution


Video length: 3 min

Real estate: solutions exist against noise pollution

Real estate: solutions exist against noise pollution – (france 2)

Article written by

France 2 – J. Wild, L. Legendre-Trousset, P. Aubert, A. Pacary, P. Miette, F. Maria

France Televisions

Vacuum cleaner, constant music, incessant work… Who hasn’t been exasperated by the noise from their neighbors? Those who live in buildings built before the 1970s are the worst off. These constructions escaped any noise regulations. But there are solutions.

To live in the heart of cities, there is a price to pay: supporting your neighbors from the moment you wake up. Between the paper-thin walls, promiscuity forces us to live together side by side with strangers and their impromptu vacuum cleaner. One owner believes she lives in a poorly soundproofed apartment, and says she shares her privacy with neighbors who are too present. She tried to talk without success. Like her, many residents share their discomfort on social networks.

DIY and renovations

How to find some peace at home? On the internet, manufacturers promise DIY at a lower cost to reduce the noise of your neighbor’s vacuum cleaner (-70 decibels), sound-absorbing paint (-7 decibels), insulation panels (-9 decibels) and noise-reducing curtains (-20 decibels). More expensive solution: renovate. A building from 1929 will be equipped with double glazing and false ceilings. Total cost per apartment: 95,000 euros. Nearly one in two French people say they are bothered by noise when they are at home.

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