Solidarity: young footballers distribute packed lunches to homeless people in Mulhouse



Article written by

France 3 Alsace, G. Dreyer, E. Kleinhoffer, A. Pica – France 3

France Televisions

In Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), children prepared and then distributed, with their football club, meals to the homeless. For young athletes, it is also an apprenticeship in team spirit and solidarity.

In Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), the football team is on an unusual mission: a move without a match at stake. Young people jock are preparing to distribute packed lunches to people homeless. The company mobilized the club, but also the parents. “I think it’s really important that they meet this kind of people, that they see that there are people who do not necessarily have the same means as them”, confides Amina Ifrah, mother of young footballers fromASIM.

The team spirit did not leave the young people during the preparations for Illzach (Haut-Rhin). They are supervised for the evening by a citizen collective which has provided for five years the distribution of 50 meals, twice a week in Mulhouse. Children are welcome. “For us it is a great pride to have kids because (…) all the actions we do, we are convinced that they will have repercussions for later, and the best way to put that into practice, it’s to invite the children to do this kind of thing “, explains Mourad Benzakri, founder of the “Collectif pour later”.

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