“You absolutely have to discover that, it’s so your style! »
My friend Marie knows me well. We were walking when she urged me to join the “Host A Sister” Facebook group, which brings together more than 400,000 women from all over the world. The concept is simple: it is a solidarity network. Or maybe I should say sisterhood instead? In all cases, women graciously offer their hospitality. (And it’s my turn to tell you: “You absolutely have to find out!”)
House swapping, accommodation, guided tour, finding a travel partner, sharing valuable advice, everything is possible… As long as it’s free!
Here, women open their doors and others ask to be received, but all are united by a thirst for encounters.
For example, my friend Marie offered a room to a student from Mexico who hopes to attend a conference in Montreal, but for whom the budget is a concern. She is also thinking about a getaway to Amsterdam, where a young professional wants to welcome travelers, provided they like cats.
Who doesn’t love cats?
When you join the group “Host A Sister”, you agree to follow the rules. Among them: ban on sharing content published by members. I respect that, so I won’t go into details, but let me tell you, I had hours of happy reading…

Members of the “Host A Sister” Facebook group graciously offer their hospitality.
It’s touching to see women reaching out with kindness and travelers planning their journey around sisters who are ready to welcome them. In fact, many publish their “success story”, the story of quality time spent together or even of an enduring friendship.
And the community is surprisingly diverse! You come across as many mother-daughter duos as girlfriends with their backpacks, retirees, solo travellers, couples of women or heterosexual couples… Because men are not prohibited, it’s simply that is a network run by or for women. Whoever accompanies them.
This way of traveling the world is a game-changer. While prices are exploding, here we offer more accessible and, above all, supportive stays. Of the human journey.
The question that arises now is: wouldn’t all of this be possible for a mixed community as well? What is the advantage for women to travel with each other?
It’s a legitimate question for which I personally have several answers to offer (the most important being: an increased understanding of the reality of the other), but I am not an expert, so why try to guess?
Anticipating the doubts you might have when discovering groups such as “Host A Sister” – there are others, especially for women who travel alone and digital nomads –, I made a phone call to Emilie Marcil, author of Women and interpersonal tourism (Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2022).
The research professional at the ITHQ has long been interested in women’s tourism. As part of her master’s thesis, she met several adventurers who opt for group trips between women. At first, she believed that they probably felt more secure when they were supported by their peers… But she quickly realized that their interest lay elsewhere. What they like is rather the bonds of friendship that are created.

Emilie Marcil, research professional at the ITHQ
When they are together, something happens! A communication that does not always come so naturally in a mixed group…
Emilie Marcil, author of Women and interpersonal tourism
Moreover, the researcher was surprised to see how much women who travel with female colleagues tend to do so again. They create cells that hold each other and meet regularly: “The pleasure of doing things together comes out enormously in the interviews conducted. »
There is also this idea of not being in the eyes of the other, explains Emilie Marcil to me. (Without surprise !)
“Sometimes when you are with men, you feel that you have to be nice or respond to the social demand to be beautiful. There is a liberation that comes, when we are between women. Without forgetting the whole question of power. Naturally, the men may take the canoe while the women open the bags and begin to prepare supper… There, any role is possible. There is autonomy, decision-making and a show of strength that are valued and then sought after by female travellers. »
The idea is nothing new; women have been traveling with each other for a long time. What is more recent is the commercialization of this type of tourism. Group travel for women is now common in the English-speaking world. However, they are rarer with us… By surveying agencies that design group getaways, Emilie Marcil was able to hear clichés such as: “Travels of shopping? I don’t organize that! or even: “The chicane would still be caught! »
However, the testimonies that can be read on “Host A Sister” like those collected by the research professional speak to us rather of increased freedom and meaningful encounters.
What stands, sheltered from prejudice, is the portrait of a sisterhood without borders. And I’m happy about it.