Solidarity: in France, donations to associations are on the rise


Article written by

S. Aramon, E.Bach, C. Vignal, P.Touileb, P.Bouchetou – France 3

France Televisions

According to a study released on Friday, November 19, the French are rather generous when it comes to donations.

While the health crisis plays the extension, the French cultivate altruism. Donations to associations have never been so high with an increase of 7%. Thus, the average donation amounts to € 347 for those under 30 and € 665 in the over 70s. Defense of the environment, support for the most disadvantaged. In these times of pandemic, research is also well supported, in particular by the Institut Curie, which fights against cancer.

If the French are generous, they are so differently depending on the region. On the podium of the good heart, Île-de-France is in first position, followed by Brittany and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. The Northerners and the Corsicans are at the bottom of the ranking. As a reminder, donations for the benefit of associations give rise to the right to an income tax reduction of 66 to 75% of the amount paid.

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