Solidarity Fair of Chocolate, Calissons and Wine

France Bleu Provence partner of Kiwanis Aix Dauphins invites you to the Salon du Calisson Chocolate and Wine in Puyricard.

What is Kiwanis?

With its motto ” Serve the Children of the World Kiwanis is a Club Service run by volunteers and people of good will who want to build a better world. Created in 1915, Kiwanis is present in 100 countries and has 8,500 clubs. In France, Kiwanis has 4500 members grouped in 250 Clubs. Since 1984, date of its creation, Kiwanis Aix Dauphins has held numerous events, concerts and fairs to raise funds for underprivileged or disabled children.

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The unmissable event for good food and solidarity

It is with enormous generosity that 25 exhibitors agreed to participate in this 8th Edition of the Salon Chocolat Vin et Gourmandises, a charity operation organized by the KIWANIS Aix Dauphins for the benefit of underprivileged, sick or handicapped children. This year, they have chosen to support associations Lena the little warrior (Multiple disabilities) – Onward Clara (Trisomy 21) and For Emma’s Beautiful Eyes (retinitis pigmentosa), little girls suffering from rare diseases or orphans.

All of the profits made by this Show will be paid in full to these Associations. For the greatest pleasure of the eyes and the taste buds, this event brings together around twenty exhibitors to bite into, chocolate artisans, calissonniers, biscuit makers, jam makers and other producers to take you on a journey to the land of flavors…not to mention winegrowers from different regions of France, Coteaux d’Aix, Burgundy, Châteauneuf du Pape, Côtes de Thongue, Saint Chinian, AOC Languedoc, Saint Emilion, Pomerol… The opportunity also to listen to singing EMMA, winner of THE VOICE KIDS 2018, sponsor of the Salon.

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The program

Saturday October 22:

– at 10 a.m., Opening of the show with 24 Wine and Gourmet Chocolate stands

– at 11:30 a.m., Inauguration in the presence of officials, the press, Provençal dancers

Lei Farandoulaire Sestian, and representatives of the associations concerned.

– at 11.30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Emma, ​​godmother of the show, performs a few songs from her repertoire

– 7 p.m.: Closing of the Show

Sunday, October 23:

– 10 a.m., Opening of the show with 24 Wine Chocolates and Delicacies stands

– 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Emma, ​​godmother of the show, will perform a few songs from her repertoire

– 6:30 p.m., Closing of the Show

Salon Solidaire du Salon du Chocolat 22 and 23 October 2022 in Puyricard

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