Soldier killed in Mali: France attacked again



Article written by

T.Souman, PJ.Perrin, A.Didier – France 2

France Televisions

The military camp of Operation Barkhane in Gao, Mali, was the target of several shots on Saturday January 22. The attack claimed the life of 24-year-old Brigadier Alexandre Martin.

Brigadier Alexandre Martin was 24 years old. His death was announced on Sunday January 23 in a press release from theElysium. Saturday, January 22, around 5 p.m., a dozen mortar shells targeted the French position. The brigadier, seriously injured, died shortly after. Nine other French personnel were more lightly affected. The source of the shots has been identified: a patrol of attack helicopters neutralized the opponents. For the time being, the attack has not been claimed.

Brigadier Alexandre Martin belonged to the 54th artillery regiment based in Hyères (var), and specialized in anti-aircraft defense. He had recently been deployed overseas as well as in Djibouti, before joining Operation Barchan last October. “He had great potential”, underlines Colonel Pierre Bernard, commander of the regiment. A support unit has been set up in Hyères, to accompany the fiancée, the family, the relatives and the brothers in arms of the young man who disappeared.

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