sold for 47,000 euros, a Michelin guide from 1904 breaks the world record

It is the most expensive Michelin guide in the world. A “large margins” edition of the 1904 red guide was sold at auction on Saturday July 23 for 47,000 euros. The sale was organized by Ivoire Clermont, at the Casino de Royat. This guide therefore sets the world record, beating another similar guide sold in 2021 for 33,000 euros. “He deserves it because of his exceptional condition”, welcomes Pierre-Gabriel Gonzalez, consultant for this sale. The book was purchased by a private collector who wishes to remain anonymous.

This “large margins” guide from the Bibendum brand is much larger than the traditional red guides. It measures 28 cm by 22 cm. It was made to leave a wide white band around the text for travelers to write on. But this Michelin guide was not made to store in your glove compartment. The Michelin brothers had it published 300 copies which they distributed free of charge in hotels throughout France.

TripAdvisor before time

Hoteliers had to display the large-format guide at reception so that customers could add their comments on hotels or businesses previously visited. A space for user reviews and comments 96 years before the creation of TripAdvisor ! At the time, owning a car was expensive. It was therefore reserved for the aristocracy and the big bourgeoisie. “The idea of ​​the Michelin brothers was for the guide to be the safest, the most reliable, to facilitate car travel and develop tourism”, emphasizes Pierre-Gabriel Gonzalez. André and Edouard Michelin were basically very pragmatic: “the more you drive, the more tires you use”.

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