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Following the gigantic fires of this summer, entire surfaces were burned in Gironde. Spaces that interest companies specializing in solar panels. They do not hesitate to canvass forest owners at this time.
A family heritage gone up in smoke. To Landiras (Gironde), the fire devoured a large part of this owner’s pines. Today, she has to invest to replant, but she doesn’t have the money. “I will not take my retirement to invest 20,000 euros”, says Line Baraduc. His neighbor, also affected, accuses the blow. Contacted by a photovoltaic panel company, it says it is ready to sacrifice some of its wood.
“It would allow us to have income to maintain the whole forest, which we hope to be able to replant if we have the means”, says Anne Amélie. Solar power plants on burnt plots in the Gironde. To Landiras, opinions are divided. The mayor (SE) of the village is not against it, but he remains cautious. “We need renewable energies, it’s important, but not just anyhow and not just anywhere”, says Jean-Marc Pelletant. In any case, these clearings will only be authorized if the State gives the green light.