All summer, in “It’s my job”, portraits of companies that are committed to the ecological transition. Wednesday July 19, the portrait of Mathieu Lassagne, the creator of “Ze Energy”, an independent producer of renewable energy.
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The problem with solar energy is that the power stations only produce at full capacity for a few hours a day and that this electricity saturates the networks, which are not sized for this. With Ze Energy, we have another solution: “We have a classic solar power plant, but instead of putting all of the production back on the electricity grid when it is produced, we keep it in the storage place and we distill it as we go, so as to smooth production”, proposes Mathieu Lassagne, the creator of this company.
>> Find all the episodes of It’s my job, on the way to the ecological transition
These storages are large containers that store energy. A technology that exists on the islands, but not in mainland Europe. Ze Energy already has two of these hybrid solar power plants in Loir-et-Cher, and the young company, founded in 2019 and which has already raised 50 million euros, is overflowing with projects. One of the great advantages of solar hybrid power plant technology is price stability. The company is able to guarantee the same price over 40 years.
Mathieu Lassagne is convinced that his solution, which combines solar energy production far from cities, storage and redistribution of smoothed electricity, according to consumer needs, is the only one that will allow renewable energies to really take off.