SODEC assistance program | The third In A Galaxy Near You and 22 more films in development

The Society for the Development of Cultural Enterprises (SODEC) announced, on Monday afternoon, funding for writing assistance for 23 productions: 15 films and 8 documentaries.

Among the fictions, let us note In a Galaxy Near You – Part III (Pierre-Yves Bernard and Claude Legault), comedies haunted (India Desjardins), What if we parted ways? (Jean-Philippe Baril-Guérard and Suzie Bouchard) and The little astronaut (Dominic James Bergeron, Christine Doyon and Jean-Paul Eid) then dramas public girls (Catherine Leger), Letter from a Stranger (Florence Longpre) and giantesses (Isabelle Hayeur).

Documentary filmmakers who received funding are: Carlos Ferrand, Denys Desjardins, Nadine Gomez, Ève Lamont, Guillaume Lévesque, Tamás Wormser, Jean-Pierre Gariépy and David Simard.

SODEC, whose mandate is to promote and support the development of cultural enterprises in Quebec and abroad, selected these projects following the submission of April 19, which included 56 eligible projects.

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