Video length: 3 mins.
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In France, marriage for all will celebrate its 10th anniversary. On April 23, 2013, the Assembly adopted the law authorizing same-sex marriage, a law brought by Christiane Taubira. And this after lively debates and sometimes violent demonstrations.
MPs standing, chanting the word “equality”April 23, 2013 is a turning point in the history of the Civil Code. Before the first of these marriages a month later, this April 23 also marks the end of a powerful wave of demonstrations against the reform. “My concern at that time was really to dike against this homophobic surge”confides Christiane Taubira, former Keeper of the Seals. Marriage for all, François Hollande had made the promise and he wants to keep it from the start of his mandate. In the streets, opponents of marriage for all organize demonstrations and rallies against the future law.
109 hours of debate
Against marriage for all, the opponents proclaim themselves to be “the strike for all”. On the front line, family, conservative, religious associations and political parties. The right, represented by the UMP, is in force in the processions. In the National Assembly, the examination of the project carried by Christiane Taubira, will enter records with 109 hours of debate, days and nights in the hemicycle.