socialist Olivier Faure castigates “people who seek to create tension”

Olivier Faure affirms that the PS has kept all its independence from Jean-Luc Mélenchon and La France Insoumise, and reaffirms the relevance of the union of the left within Nupes.

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The first secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure castigates the “people who seek to create tension” and “cleavages” on the left, Sunday September 4 in the program Questions politiques by France Inter, franceinfo and Le Monde, after the publication of a manifesto by Bernard Cazeneuve in the Journal du Dimanche, in which he considers that a “another left is possible, which breaks with excess and sectarianism”.

“I don’t want to get into useless controversies. We are approaching a congress, there are people who are trying to create tension, that’s the game, I understand that”, observed the boss of the socialists. He also notes that, among the signatories of the manifesto, there are both “people who are long-time supporters of Emmanuel Macron” and that “oddly also asked to be supported by Nupes in the legislative elections”.

The “toutouisé” PS?

He also said “amused” by the word “teddy bear” [devenir le toutou] employed by the former Prime Minister, who believes that the PS submitted to rebellious France by entering the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes). “I’m used to a number of socialists not being nice to me. But it’s been a while since what interests me is no longer the socialists who are against everyone, this kind of left who doesn’t like the left, who doesn’t like ecologists, who doesn’t like communists, and I like the left”he continues.

>>”An opposition is there to oppose”: a month before the return to parliament, the Nupes prepares its troops for the showdown with the government

Olivier Faure affirms that the PS has kept all its independence from Jean-Luc Mélenchon and reaffirms the relevance, according to him, of the gathering of the left under the banner of Nupes. “I seek to build a path for all of the left and environmentalists”he explains, believing that the “disunity” was what made the left “sterile”.

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