Discussions continue within the New Popular Front to agree on a candidate for the post of Prime Minister.
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Arthur Delaporte, PS deputy for Calvados, national secretary of the Socialist Party, is still “hopeful” that the New Popular Front will find a name for Matignon on Tuesday July 23, the deadline for the PS after the procrastination of the left-wing parties. “If we don’t manage to propose a name to the head of state by this evening, it will be very easy for him to say ‘look, they haven’t managed to reach an agreement'”he explained this Tuesday on franceinfo.
After the resignation of Huguette Bello, president of the Regional Council of La Réunion and that of the economist Laurence Tubiana, the discussions continue. The LFI deputy Eric Coquerel reiterated to what extent, for him, the “good solution” Huguette Bello remained. “If he is leaning on someone who has given up, why doesn’t he lean on Laurence Tubiana who has also given up? They said they were no longer available and that they were choosing to step aside. I think we must also respect their decision and move on and look for another name.”Arthur Delaporte said. In case of failure, “We will continue to discuss” beyond Tuesday, he says.
Arthur Delaporte denounced the attitude of Emmanuel Macron who, according to him, “does everything” For “to prevent” the left to govern.
“The President of the Republic is trying to gain time after having been in total denial, by trying to believe that he still had the means today to appoint a government without relying on the majority in Parliament.”
Arthur Delaporte, PS MP for Calvadosto franceinfo
According to him, “There is no alternative to the appointment of a Prime Minister from the New Popular Front”. The PS deputy rejects the “Olympic and political truce” desired by Emmanuel Macron. “We cannot say that we are celebrating for the Olympic Games and then Parliament must remain impassive and wait calmly for the Head of State to decide to appoint one of our own to Matignon.”he explained.