Socialist activists and voters “must open their eyes” to the Republic in March, warns Patrick Kanner

Patrick Kanner, president of the socialist group in the Senate, called this Sunday the socialist militants “who joined La République en Marche” at “find their way back to their values“. In a column published in the JDD, he also invites them to reject the “false progressivism“. For Patrick Kanner, on franceinfo this Sunday evening, no doubt: the Republic in March “is a right-wing party“.

I am addressing the activists but also the socialist voters who made Emmanuel Macron’s victory in 2017, many came back from it but still have it, including for a question of useful voting, supported in 2022. The question, c is to open your eyes“, he insisted. According to him, “progressivism with government policy is no“.

According to Patrick Kanner, the social measures taken by the government, such as the abolition of the housing tax or the remainder at zero charge for glasses and dental prostheses, “are micro-measures“.”When you remove these revenues from the State budget, at some point, you will have to do the accounts“, assures the senator PS. According to him, “this doodle policy“is to raise the specter of the deficit and the public debt. The abolition of these taxes, according to his calculations, “more than 30 billion euros will be missing from the State coffers and during this time, National Education is going badly, public hospitals and security are going badly and it will take a rebalancing”.

The former minister of François Hollande assures that he does not plead for “systematic taxes“, but according to him the most affluent, “households as businesses“, are not put to good enough use.”Next week, the two socialist parliamentary groups will work and table a referendum bill so that the French can decide on this famous tax on super profits.“, he added.

Patrick Kanner insists, Emmanuel Macron is not a social democrat but was ultimately worse on the liberal level “than a Valéry Giscard d’Estaing“. According to him, the pension and unemployment insurance reforms will worsen the situation “of the 9 million poor” that France counts. Raising retirement to 65 consists of “charge always the same on the major financial balances“, he concluded.

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