In fact, the moderating ticket, the part of the expenses which remains payable by patients but which is often covered by mutual insurance companies, “will increase from 30% to 40%”, announces the ministry.
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Something to cringe some teeth. Social security is taking greater responsibility for oral care by complementary health insurance, for an effort of 500 million euros per year, the Ministry of Health announced in a press release.
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The coverage of this care by Health Insurance will increase from 1 October from 70% to 60%: the co-payment, the part of the expenses which remains payable by patients but which is often covered by mutual insurance, “will increase from 30% to 40%“, therefore announces the ministry, specifying that “This commitment marks the beginning of a new deal in terms of prevention and support for French people.s”.
“This decision will automatically have consequences on contributions“, also specified Marie-Laure Dreyfuss, general delegate of the Technical Center for provident institutions. Especially since, according to the ministry, another contribution from complementary health “to measures strengthening the prevention“is envisaged, within the framework of the negotiation of a new agreement between Health Insurance and dentists this summer, up to half a billion euros.
For the insured, the bill could therefore further swell, depending on the ongoing negotiations between Health Insurance and several professions, in particular dentists who could sign a new agreement by the end of July. A negotiation with midwives is also about to end, while “flash” discussions have just opened with nurses and other paramedics to compensate for inflation. As for doctors, consultations will be increased by 1.50 euros on November 1, which will cost 700 million euros for Social Security and 100 million for additional full-year.