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In the UK, social networks have been found responsible for the suicide of 14-year-old Molly Russell. A court decision which is a first in the country, as explained by journalist Ambroise Bouleis from London, Tuesday, October 4.
“This is a first in the UK: the responsibility of the Internet giants engaged in the death of a child. For the magistrate responsible for establishing the circumstances of the suicide of the young Molly Russell, 14, the social network Instagram, for example, literally gave ideas to the young girl by recommending content to her that should not have been accessible. to a child”explains journalist Ambroise Bouleis from London (United Kingdom), Tuesday, October 4.
“In the weeks leading up to her death, one evening in 2017, Molly was exposed to no less than 2,000 web pages and 138 videos talking about suicide or mutilation. For five years, her father has fought a fierce battle against the giants of the net. He questions a toxic corporate culture that takes precedence, according to him, over the protection of the youngest. This father refuses that Molly’s death is one among others. Today he wants to open the debate to force social networks to protect the youngest from dangerous content.concludes the journalist.