Social housing | Duhaime taken to task by demonstrators

(Montreal) The leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec Éric Duhaime was in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve for an announcement on the francization of immigrants. At the end of his press conference, he was taken to task by a handful of demonstrators outraged that a Conservative leader dared to hold an event in a building where community groups working with the most disadvantaged are located.

Posted at 11:23 a.m.
Updated at 11:44 a.m.

Mylene Crete

Mylene Crete
The Press

“There are none, housing, exclaimed Solange Laliberté, president of the Association for the defense of social rights of Metropolitan Montreal (ADDS-MM). I represent the extreme poverty of the elderly! »

A few demonstrators demanding social housing entered the hall of the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Community Education Pavilion after Éric Duhaime’s press conference to question him on his housing policy.

The Conservative leader took the time to stop and explain to them that he is proposing to put money back in people’s pockets to help them pay their rent instead of advocating the construction of new HLMs.

“Don’t you think this is a policy that will help landlords continue to increase rents in HLMs? asked Fanny Labelle, one of the trainers of the Tour de lire, a popular literacy group.

Éric Duhaime explained that his policy would promote investment in new housing.

“Are you a tenant? she asked him. To which the Conservative leader replied no. ” It looks ! »

“I have been a long time in my life, for example,” he replied before leaving the room.

Tempers then flared when employees of right-wing Rebel News insinuated that the protesters had taken Eric Duhaime to task because he is a conservative.

“I have never seen a cursed conservative party take the side of these people with whom we work,” protested Marie Labonté, co-manager of the Tour de lire.

She pointed out that the organizations of the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Community Education Pavilion are fighting for “more social justice, the right to housing, the rights of women, the rights of illiterate people and the right of people to welfare “.

“We are not going to accept that he comes to defend his retrograde values ​​within our four walls. Let there be another place! »

She believes that the values ​​advocated by the Conservative Party of Quebec are in contradiction with the mission of the community organizations based in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Community Education Pavilion.

Francization of immigrants

The Conservative leader had just announced his commitment to the francization of immigrants. He promised to table a bill if he formed a government to create a compulsory francization course for newcomers who do not master French. They could access it through a one-stop shop.

He also promised financial support for francization in small and medium-sized businesses in the greater Montreal area. The money would come from the Workforce Skills Development and Recognition Fund.

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