social fraud amounts to 351 million euros for 2022, an increase of 13.5% in one year

The Cnaf carried out 32.4 million checks in 2022. 4,322 of them were followed by a complaint

Social fraud reaches an amount of 351 million euros in 2022 against 309 million euros in 2021, Franceinfo learned on Sunday June 4 from the National Family Allowance Fund (Cnaf), confirming information from the JDD [article payant]an increase of 13.5% in one year.

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48,692 frauds were detected last year (+11.6% over one year) thanks to the 32.4 million checks carried out in 2022, adds the Cnaf. Following these checks, 4,322 of them were followed up by the filing of a complaint. The Cnaf explains to franceinfo that it is not so much the number of fraudsters that has exploded, but the fact that controls are increasingly targeting fraudsters. In 2022, 134,653 checks were carried out in the homes of recipients, i.e. 10,000 more than in 2021. “Fraud, unlike honest error or forgetfulness, is characterized by intentionality”, reminds the Cnaf.

An average damage of 7,217 euros

To be able to target fraudsters more easily, the Cnaf has trained 30 people within the National Service for the Fight against Fraud at Stakes (SNLFE) to detect sophisticated arrangements, which lead to significant damage. These specialized agents alone triggered 14,000 checks, which made it possible to detect 69.4 million euros of undue payment, of which 58% was fraudulent, the rest coming from errors of good faith or forgetfulness of the beneficiaries.

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In 2022, 1.36 billion erroneous rights were identified, including 985 million undue, that is to say sums paid by the Cafs that they recover. The 351 million euros of fraud are included in this sum. In detail, the average damage reached 7,217 euros, an increase of 55 euros. In 2022, it is the RSA that concentrates the majority of industrials, with 60% of fraud. Followed by the activity bonus which includes 13% of the undue, housing aid, 12% and the disabled adult allowance, 3%. In 2022, 13.5 million people received benefits from the Caf, 99 billion euros were paid last year for their benefit.

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