Social benefits, minimum wage, price of cigarettes… What changes on May 1

The minimum wage benefits each year from a mechanical increase on January 1, but revaluations also occur during the year, as soon as inflation exceeds 2%.

In a context of inflation and declining purchasing power, the French have their eyes riveted on their bank account. As of Monday, May 1, some may see some changes appear. Rise in the minimum wage, revaluation of social benefits, tobacco prices… Here is what to expect.

The minimum wage revalued by 2.22%

The minimum salary is increased by 2.22% to take effect on May 1, 2023″, can we read in a decree published on April 26 in the Official Journal. Requested in mid-April, lhe office of the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, had specified that the monthly net minimum wage would amount to 1,383.08 euros, against 1,353.07 euros previously, an increase of 30.01 euros net per month.

The minimum wage benefits each year from a mechanical increase on 1 January which takes into account the weighted price increase for the 20% of households with the lowest incomes. But revaluations also occur during the year as soon as inflation exceeds 2%. Guest of France 2 on Thursday, the Prime Minister declared that this new increase represented “an increase of more than 6% over one year”. “All employees a little above must also be able to benefit from a raise”, added the chief executive. Gold, “this assumes that the professional branches renegotiate their salary scales, they have the obligation to do so within 45 days”, she continued.

The new amounts of family and social benefits are allocated

The decisions were recorded on April 1, but they will be effective on May 1. To cope with inflation, theUnedic To consented Atn boost of 1.9% on the allocation ofunemployment insurance.

Ie RSA, the activity bonus or even family allowances also recorded an increase of 1.6%. The RSA will increase from 598 to 608 euros per month for a single person without children. The maximum amount of the allowance for disabled adults (AAH) at the full rate will increase to 971.37 euros per month, an increase of 14.72 euros.

This rate of 1.6% was established from the average of the monthly inflation rates for one year, i.e. +5.6% compared to April 2022. But the real increase was lowered because the government held account of the exceptional increase of 4% granted in such a way “anticipated” in July 2022.

The price of cigarettes is rising

The prices of many packs of 20 cigarettes and rolling tobacco will increase by 10 to 60 cents on May 1 in mainland France, in accordance with the government’s desire to pass on inflation to tobacco. According to a document published by Customs in April, most packs of 20 cigarettes will experience a price increase of 30 to 40 cents, such as Winfield Red or Lucky Strike Blue. Other brands will see smaller or larger increases.

Prices for 30-gram roll-your-own tobacco packets are also up by around 30 cents. Larger pots can take more than a euro.

The packages of certain brands, such as Philip Morris, Winston or Marlboro, the best-selling in the world, remain unchanged. All types of Marlboro packages were already over 11 euros.

Last month to claim your “wood” check

Low-income households heating with fuel oil could apply for aid (between 100 and 200 euros) until April 30. On the other hand, the wood check, which ranges from 50 to 200 euros depending on income, family composition and type of fuel, the request can also be made online until the end of May, i.e. an additional period of one month for the 2.6 million eligible households.

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