Sochaux wants to stay at the top of the bill against Saint-Etienne

With a Bonal stadium not far from complete, the scene is set! This Sochaux-Saint Etienne really has a special flavor this Monday at 8:45 p.m. to close the 11th day of Ligue 2. Because the Greens remain the Greens, even 18th and relegated, but also and because, this season, the FCSM is clearly playing the climb. After his defeat at Valenciennes,
Sochaux, 4th, remains in the nails but must necessarily win to get back on the podium, and come back up to the co-leaders Bordeaux and Amiens, with already 4 points in advance. ASSE only has 8 points but its ranking does not reflect its latest results.

Sissoko vs Krasso

This duel between Sochaux and Saint-Etienne promises to be very open between the two best attacks in the championship, behind Le Havre but with one more match (19 goals against 18 at FCSM and ASSE), which have in their ranks scorers in form. The Stéphanois, Jean-Philippe Krasso, with 7 achievements, is at the top of the ranking (with the Bordelais Maja) of scorers but Ibrahim Sissoko, back from suspension, also fuels quite a bit with Sochaux (4 goals). His absence weighed heavily in the North, his return should give punch and strength to the offensive game of the Yellow and Blue_“Possession is going to be an important part of the game,_ have the ability to stay high on the opponent’s side and create imbalance. Be careful to be vigilant on the transition. In short, we know that they have a good offensive force but we have to put on all the gear to play a great game.” warns the Sochaux coach, Olivier Guégan.

A gala poster, but above all a match to win

The FCSM coach is delighted to see such an atmosphere this Monday evening in Bonal “It’s very nice to see our public respond present on a Monday evening at 8:45 p.m., almost a full stadium, it’s magnificent, now it’s up to us to be up to it. It’s going fast ahead, you have to stay in the right car. We must put back the same content as in Valenciennes but this time by being effective in the two areas of truth “ insists Olivier Guégan, joined by his midfielder, Rassoul Ndiaye_“Do not approach it as a gala poster but as a poster that you have to win, you have to get into them”. _Sochaux and its formidable public hope to revive against the Greens. With fiery attacks on both sides, but the worst defense in the championship for the Stéphanois, we can expect a spectacular match. To Yellow and Blue to be the best actors.

Live the Sochaux-Saint Etienne match (kick-off at 8:45 p.m.) live and in full on France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard from 8:30 p.m. this Monday with comments from Hervé Blanchard and our consultant, Stéphane Crucet.




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