Sochaux forced to continue against Niort

Winning is good, winning again is better! By unlocking their win counter last Saturday in Pau (0-3), the Yellow and Blue broke down a psychological barrier after a failed start to the season. But Olivier Guégan’s team cannot be satisfied with their first three points in Béarn. Sochaux, 14th, got back in the saddle but must now gallop to get back to the top of the table, and that necessarily requires confirmation this Saturday at Bonal against Niort (9th)at 7 p.m., on the occasion of the 5th day of Ligue 2.

“We have to play as a boss” – Olivier Guégan, FCSM coach

Having Chamois skin is an obligation. Question of standing, but not only! For the classification, but also and above all for its public because on the side of the Yellow and Blue fans, we dare to believe that this success in Pau served as a trigger. And that everything will be linked now. Except that Sochaux does not yet have the level of leaders. And that he does not release in his game an all-risk insurance. “We have to play as a boss” announces however his coach who expects more technical accuracy from his players for this duel against the Niortais.

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With Kalulu and Ndiaye…

This match against the Deux-Sévriens is the first in a series of 3 in 6 days (at Guingamp on Tuesday, and at Bonal on Friday against Laval), with the end of the summer transfer window as a backdrop. According to the newspaper Le Parisien, striker Aldo Kalulu is announced to be leaving for the Israeli club Maccabi Tel Aviv, the two clubs would have agreed for a transfer .. but not the player!

Olivier Guégan on a possible departure from Kalulu “He’s a great professional, he knows what he wants, what he doesn’t want, for a transfer, the three parties have to agree, the two clubs and the player, for the moment, for me, the most important is Niort with Aldo, it’s Guingamp with Aldo, it’s Laval with Aldo (laughs) .. To be continued!”

For Olivier Guégan, interviewed this Friday at a pre-match press conference, letting go of the top yellow and blue scorer of last season (9 goals) is unthinkable “Sportingly, it is out of the question that I lose Aldo, on this the speech is clear. I have a competitive group and it must remain so as long as possible, even if the financial aspect plays an important role in today’s football. If there is a player who gives off the image of the FCSM well, it is Aldo Kalulu because he is a team player, he is a fantastic player and an attacking leader”. The Sochaux technician also wants to keep Rassoul Ndiaye, still courted by Toulouse.

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… but still without Henry

In any case, the two players are in the group to challenge Niort unlike Valentine Henry. Already absent in Pau and replacing against Amiens, the right side “expressed the wish to leave” according to Olivier Guégan “if he was above the current player he would play, it’s not a question of the possibility of transfer. I take into account the form at the moment, the state of mind at the moment and the mentality of the moment, the players who play are, for me in any case, the best at the moment T”. Still, with players like Ndiaye, Henry, and now Kalulu potentially on the way out, it’s frankly not ideal for advocating sacred union. It’s only the 5th day, but we feel it, for Sochaux, this match against Niort is almost already a double or nothing for its ambitions this season.

Live the Sochaux-Niort match live and in full on France Bleu Belfort Montbéliard from 6:45 p.m. with comments from the Bonal stadium by Hervé Blanchard and Arnaud Roszak.

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