So-called political prisoners: after the invasion of the hemicycle, a resolution adopted unanimously in the Assembly of Corsica

This Thursday, October 27, the hemicycle of the Assembly of Corsica was invested by a hundred people, members of 11 organizations demanding a resolution of the institution on the status of so-called political prisoners. After several hours of discussions, a document was adopted unanimously.

Sustained applause rises from the platform reserved for the public of the hemicycle of the Assembly of Corsica (CDA). This Thursday October 27, the territorial councilors unanimously adopted a resolution relating to the status of so-called political prisoners.

The text was written after several hours of discussions between elected officials and 11 political and associative organizations. In the morning, the latter invaded the hemicycle. They demanded the vote of a resolution in favor of so-called political prisoners. The event has trained interrupting the sessionCDA for the day.

In detail, the document specifies that the executive council of Corsica and the Assembly ” consider that these are the continued detention of Alain ferrandi and Peter Alessandri who are, and can be, generators of a disturbance to public order and not their access to a semi-freedom regime. They note that this motivation, solely based on disturbing public order, completely ignores the logic of democracy, dialogue and appeasement that have prevailed in Corsica for several years. »

The institution says, that after more than 23 years of detention, the release of these two men is in accordance with law and justice, an aspiration shared by Corsican society in all its components. “. She’s calling back ” that this position, like that of the demand for truth and justice for Yvan Colonnahas been expressed on several occasions in a solemn and unanimous manner both by the Assembly of Corsica and the Executive Council of Corsica, and by a large number of mayors, parliamentarians, elected officials, and humanitarian organizations, in Corsica and outside the ‘island. »

This resolution also makes three demands: Of the strong political acts, at the highest level of the Government and the State, taking into account all of these elements, so as to create the conditions for the resumption of the process in progress; that the discussion process initiated between Corsica and the State integrates this issue in all its dimensions (return to freedom, pecuniary sentences, Fijaitlogic of appeasement towards young people who participated in the demonstrations last spring) ; that a meeting on this issue, bringing together associations of prisoners and former prisoners, their lawyers, elected officials from Corsica, and representatives of the Government be organized as soon as possible, from November 2022. »

On Wednesday, the Court of Cassation granted Pierre’s request Alessandri. The highest judicial court overturned the decision of the Paris Court of Appeal. A new appeal hearing will take place with new judges. Imprisoned in this case in May 1999, Pierre Alessandri is conditionable since May 2017.

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