Snowfall | Winter has not said its last word

MétéoMédia warns Quebecers not to put away the snow shovels, the winter weather will last a few more weeks and spring could disappoint those who are impatiently awaiting the return of migratory birds.

Posted at 7:09

Stephane Blais
The Canadian Press

According to MétéoMédia, an active storm track and a few moisture-laden systems should bring above-normal precipitation in the coming weeks and 50 to 100 centimeters of snow could still fall in Quebec.

“This year, we will have to be patient before the lasting spring mildness really sets in, unlike last year when the season was mild and pleasant,” explained André Monette, head of the meteorology department at MétéoMédia.

According to the meteorologist, it will be necessary to wait until mid-April before “truly spring weather” chases winter away in Quebec and Ontario.

“We may have a little colder weather in the first half, then a little milder weather in the second half of spring,” said André Monette.

Monitor flood risks

In 2019 and 2017, a catastrophic combination of heavy rains following a snowy winter and the sudden melting of the snow cover caused historic flooding in several regions of Quebec.

This year, an active storm track and a few moisture-laden systems are expected to bring above-normal spring precipitation, but according to MétéoMédia, there is no indication at this time that problematic flooding could occur in southern Quebec.

However, we will have to keep an eye on the precipitation for the next few weeks to assess whether there will be a risk of major flooding on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River.

“It depends in particular on the snow cover. In Lac-Saint-Jean, in Abitibi and towards Quebec, there is more snow than normal lately, so we had a lot, a lot of snow and we will have to see if it continues in this way, ”said André Monetta.

Elsewhere in the country

In the Maritimes, the next few weeks “will have a more typical spring pattern,” according to MétéMédia.

“Above normal precipitation is expected in the region and there is an increased risk of late-season winter storms.”

In the west of the country, particularly in British Columbia, MétéoMédia “expects a slow start to spring with temperatures below normal”.

The snow, which is present in the western mountains, should therefore remain present for several more weeks.

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