Snowboarding | Elizabeth Hosking walks close to the podium at Copper Mountain

Quebec snowboarder Elizabeth Hosking came close to reaching the World Cup podium for the first time in her career on Saturday afternoon in Copper Mountain, United States. She finally had to settle for fourth place.

Katherine Harvey-Pinard

Katherine Harvey-Pinard

Hosking, which was the first World Cup of the season, had his best score on his first descent in the halfpipe, amassing 65.75 points. She was in third place until the last downhill, when Spaniard Queralt Castellet scored 70.50 points to take her off the podium.

This fourth place nevertheless represents a personal high for Hosking in the World Cup. The native of Saint-Jérôme finished in fifth place during her last competition, last March, in Aspen.

China’s Xuetong Cai took the gold with her 80.50 points, obtained during her third downhill. The Japanese Sena Tomita took second place.

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