Snowboarding | Elizabeth Hosking advances to halfpipe final

That’s done. Young Quebecer Elizabeth Hosking earned her place in the final of the halfpipe event on Tuesday night at the Beijing Olympics.

Posted at 10:18 p.m.

Katherine Harvey Pinard

Katherine Harvey Pinard
The Press

To qualify for the final, Hosking needed to place in the top 12.

His first stint in the Chinese halfpipe did not go as planned. After completing a big jump off the start, she was thrown off the wall and missed her landing. She therefore obtained only 10.00 points.

But the 20-year-old came back strong for her second try. She made good maneuvers and made all her landings. The young woman raised her arms when she arrived at the bottom of the track, aware that she had just won her ticket for the final. The judges awarded her 70.50 points, which placed her 9and rank at the end of the preliminary round.

Hosking had struggled with his cork 1080 in training the day before the race. She had done half a dozen more practice runs in order to pull it off. Guess it paid off.

To encourage herself, Hosking was inspired by a phrase from the dance troupe she meets at Apexx, a sports and dance-studies program established in Saint-Jérôme.

“In their job, they say: bad general, good show! she had launched.

She gave reason to the troop.

At her first Games, in 2018, when she was the youngest athlete on the entire Canadian team, Hosking finished 19and rank. By reaching the final, she ensures a top 12 Olympic.

The other Canadian who took part in this event, Brooke D’Hondt, had two good runs. His second earned him 70.00 points, good for 10and total rank.

The 16-year-old Albertan is the youngest athlete on the Canadian delegation to Beijing.

It’s Wednesday night, at 8:30 p.m., that Hosking and D’Hondt will try to get their hands on his first Olympic medal.

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