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From November 1, motorists in mountainous areas must have fitted their cars with snow tyres. A new obligation that sometimes leaves doubts given the mild temperatures of this fall.
In a garage in Saint-Étienne (Loire), it’s the race for winter tires. Demand is strong due to the obligation to be equipped with them on 1 November in mountain regions. “Roughly speaking, we have 50% of the tires left to fit. We’re in a rush, especially at the professional level, because it’s [eux] who equip themselves in anticipation of the passage of the law”, supports Nicolas Chevalier, director of a garage. In total, 34 departments are affected by this new regulation. All drivers must either have winter tires or have chains or snow socks in the trunk.
“Socks are enough, there is no more snow.” Some motorists are wondering about the need to make them compulsory in November, while the temperatures are still mild. Its softer rubber and deeper grooves allow the winter tire to grip better at low temperatures. Not having one exposes you to a fine of 135 euros. The Minister of Transport specifies that there will be no sanction before the end of the year.