Snoop Dogg accused of rape, his spiritual advisor implicated in the case

Snoop Dogg is right in the news. He just released a new album called BODR – for “Bacc On Death Row“. He will also be one of the celebrities to perform in Los Angeles, this Sunday, February 13, 2022, during the Super Bowl final, and has planned to launch his own brand of hot dogs. But it is especially on the side of the federal court in Los Angeles that his name resonates. A complaint was actually filed against him, on Thursday, February 10, 2022, for rape. This same complaint also targets the spiritual advisor of the artist, Bishop Don Magic Juan.

The young woman wished to remain anonymous. According to the story she gave in court, reported in France by the newspaper The world, the story dates back to May 2013. Dancer for Snoop Dogg at the time, she had been escorted home after a party by Donald Campbell – the real name of Bishop Don Magic Juan… but was seen that he was actually taking her home. Exhausted, she fell asleep and was allegedly sexually assaulted the next morning when she woke up.

Diamond digger season begins

Back at the studio, the complainant allegedly went to the bathroom. Snoop Dogg would then, in turn, open the door to force her to perform oral sex. “Humiliated, terrified and panicked”, now she emerges from silence. The young woman is now asking for damages, but the amount requested has not been communicated. As for Cori’s dad, he was content to comment on this case on social networks, explaining that “diamond digger season” had just started. It remains to be seen whether his participation in the Super Bowl halftime show will be maintained or not…

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