Snes-FSU filed a secondary strike notice for the week of January 3-7

The secondary teachers’ union does not call for the closure of schools, but protective and preventive measures to “best protect students and staff”.

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The Snes-FSU, the main secondary teachers’ union, has filed a strike notice for the week of January 3-7, 2022. This notice “will be renewed throughout the month of January”, specifies the union on its website. In its notice, filed on December 28, the Snes-FSU is concerned about the measures judged “insufficient” taken by the government to fight against the fifth wave of Covid-19. “The absence of government announcements for middle and high schools in the middle of the fifth wave, with a variant that is circulating quickly, is irresponsible”, indicates the union.

“The health protocol is not up to the gravity of the situation”, denounces Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of the Snes-FSU union. “We want extremely concrete progress, explained Sophie Vénétitay, starting with the fact that all middle school and high school adults are equipped with surgical masks or FFP2 masks.“The trade unionist also asks “a real testing policy in middle and high schools”, as well as the number of CO2 sensors:

“In the few middle and high schools where there are CO2 sensors, there is only one for the whole establishment while you have forty or fifty classrooms.”

Sophie Vénétitay, General Secretary of Snes-FSU

to franceinfo

The Snes-FSU does not call for the closure of schools, but “protective and preventive measures to best protect students and staff”. He finds that “the minister is careful not to take such measures and systematically responds ‘open school’ to almost all arrests”. According to the union, the “open school”, defended for months by Jean-Michel Blanquer, the Minister of National Education, “in reality only serves to mask the emptiness of this government’s health policy in schools”.

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